
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Teaching the girl to game

I think every geek out there secretly wants a girlfriend who plays computer games and understands his obsession with games! Blessed is he who has a women that thumbs and clicks! Of course this could all backfire if the girlfriend becomes addicted to gaming and doesn't shower for days. As a result your only hope for fresh air is when she leaves the room.

My girlfriend has little or no interest in computer games at all. It didn't stop me from attempting to introduce her to Neverwinter Nights a few years ago, thinking the social aspect of it, i.e chatting with fellow gamers etc would get her interested. My ulterior motive then was to get her participating with what was already my major addiction then. Well, she didn't like it and I was left contemplating the errors of my ways.

So then last month, I got this sudden craving for a game console. I felt the time was right to buy one and I wanted one in my life and there was just no stopping me. But I didn't know which one to buy. Eventually I settled for a Wii and the reason for choosing that was because I thought it was something the girlfriend could get into! Hang on, you say, there's a recurring pattern here and yes you're right! Strangely enough! She liked it but lost interest after I beat her too many times at wii tennis. She's such a sore loser!

But she's not all bad though. Sensing that my gaming cravings were not quite satisfied (since wii games were mostly pussy games and I need something a little hardcore), she bought me an xbox 360 for my birthday. Bless her soul, I was flabbergasted. It was something I totally didn't need but simply just wanted! A man can't have too many gaming consoles!

So with the new xbox plugged in, I tried to get her to play some co-op game, that's only because she was hogging Call of Duty 3. I wouldn't have mind but she hadn't quite mastered the controllers. Spending time looking at the floor and sky and not being able to navigate through an open door may seem funny at first but it gets really tiring after 40 minutes of the same thing. The only co-op game I had then was Gear of Wars. 10 minutes into the game, she thought it was boring and decided she would watch tv instead.

I'm back at square one again.

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