
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Odie the Basset Hound

I've been messing with Odie for the last few days. When we got Odie, we were hoping for a placid little dog that doesn't require too much physical activity. I am not sure where I stumbled on the information that the Basset Hound would make the ideal low activity animal and I'm sure I got my info wrong. Well, this fella can play all day, and play he will until he drops from exhaustion. Not quite the lazy and placid animal we were hoping for. But nevertheless, we've come to love him and we find ourselves suckered by his irrestible cuteness. I've been attempting to teach him tricks and he loves tricks. I think dogs love tricks in general as it's a form of play for them.

If you like, you can check out the vid below to see Odie play fetch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that a pink dildo?sure looks like one.. -Hadassah
