
Friday, September 28, 2007

Narcissistic Praise Junkie and Thrash Your Wedding Dress

I stumbled on a few interesting articles on the net. has an article on how the US Navy Recruitment who did a study on the milineal generation likens them to 'Alien life forces' who are 'Narcissistic Praise Junkies' who expect to be praised just for showing up at work. Apparently recent childhood is defined by ego stroking and the reports goes so far to call them the coddled generation. Maybe it's just a generation gap thing because I suspect every generation before them thinks the current generation have it easy. Maybe they are having it easier in some ways but I suspect other things like competition at school and work may also have gotten tougher. Check out the article below if you like.

Thrash the dress. Saw this in the local paper today. Have you heard of this before? Apparently it's the 'unconventional' way of ending your wedding day or getting extra mileage out of your already so expensive wedding dress. Do a google on it and you'll see what I mean. I think the only people to benefit from this are the wedding photographer. Imagine this, we have this standard package that cost 1000 euros. Then if you want a album it cost 1800 euros. Then there's probably the option of adding thrash the dress, so it's probably 500 euros more. From the general response on the net, not everybody thinks it's cool. The girlfriend doesn't think it's cool. I don't think it's cool. But then I can be quite a sentimental person. I feel the dress is an integral part of a wedding ceremony, and having something physical to connect you to the event is something nice. Each to its own I guess but the pictures from it do look pretty good.

Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
